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Victoria Helmink

Young Adult & Fantasy Author




I discovered my love for reading at an early age. I grew up reading amazing series such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, His Dark Material trilogy, and more. To this day, bookstores remain one of my favourite places. You never know what worlds you can discover and what adventures you will go on.

It wasn’t until the age of thirteen that I finally started writing my own stories. I was immediately enthralled with creating new worlds and bringing characters to life. I have always loved young adult fantasy, so it is no surprise that it is my chosen genre. Most of my inspiration has come from characters in my dreams. An entire story can spawn from a brief dream. While writing, I enjoy listening to music or sitting at a local coffee shop (although I don’t always get much writing done due to being distracted by people watching).

When not writing, I enjoy reading, volunteering, hiking with my dog Quinn, playing the piano, photography, and watching the antics of my cat, Athena.



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